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- Office Hrs: Mon - Fri (EST 9.00am to 9.00pm)
Whether you’re running a two-person workshop or employing hundreds of workers, streamlining your hiring and selection process is essential. You need to use profitable strategies to find candidates, filter searches, and attract new employees. Smart Hiring boils down to one question: How much is your time worth?
The more time you spend on recruiting, the more money you will invest in hiring your business. Are these funds spent to simplify your recruitment methods and attract quality candidates? If not, it may be time to think about new strategies for recruiting and selecting employees.
You can save time and money by including technology in your recruiting efforts. Technology can speed up the hiring process while also opening the door to more qualified candidates.
1. Efficiency and Increased Productivity
The modern workplace has seen a complete change in the way we use our time. Time management has been optimized and the effort spent on daily tasks has been reduced. Employee productivity and effort have improved, allowing them to focus more on more important things like accuracy and creativity.
The level of expectations from customers and colleagues has also changed as workplace technology allows people to stay connected. Based on this evolution in workplace technology, results are expected faster than ever.
2. Improved Cost Management
The bottom line of any business is to make a profit. With the advent of technology in the workplace, financial productivity is enhanced. Businesses operate much more efficiently with the advent of technologically advanced equipment and software in the office sector.
When employees are encouraged to optimize their time through such technology, much less time is wasted and more time is used to focus on the beneficial tasks at hand. A productive workplace is a profitable workplace, which is just one of the main ways technology has improved our work environment.
3. Targeted Job Posting Ads on Social Media
There are over 660 million users on LinkedIn and that number continues to grow daily. With social media platforms, employers can reach large audiences, which can be overwhelming. This is where targeted advertising comes in. Employers now have the option to use targeted social media advertising to attract candidates with specific skills and backgrounds that are right for the job.
A sample targeted ad may show less than you think. Have you ever received a LinkedIn Inmail from a recruiter? This is a great example of a targeted social media ad.
4. Remote Interviews
Technology allows companies to interview candidates without requiring them to come to the office. In the past, the reception area of an office had dozens of applicants at once waiting for an interview. With Skype and other video conferencing tools, a “face-to-face” interview can be conducted without travel or long waits, providing a convenient and cost-effective way to screen a candidate. With the ability to interview job seekers via the web, employers also have access to global talent who may be ready to switch jobs.
5. Online Recruitment Platforms
Online job postings have been around longer than you think. Before there were online job boards, people had to scour the web for jobs. And yes, that also means people have to send their resumes and cover letters by regular mail or in person at the company.
Today, recruiters can expand their network through job postings by posting them on various platforms such as online job boards and company websites. Then, job seekers from around the world or country can apply for jobs instantly by submitting a digital CV.
The implementation of technology in the recruitment and selection process of the organization has gradually evolved for many years. Now in recent years, it has reached the advanced level of technological uses in the recruitment process.
The main reason for the use of technology in recruitment and selection is the change in the human mindset. Now a day, every individual wants tasks to be done which can save time, cost, provide efficient quality results and achieve the required quantity that they want.
Hence, the organizations are moving towards technologically advanced recruiting techniques which will save their time and cost. At the same time, providing them efficient employees and the desired number of candidates that they want for the job profiles in the organization.
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